Monday, December 8, 2008

A Burried Video that Made me Cry...

A night of nostalgia as I go back through my South Africa pictures. I've been home for more than a year, and the tears couldn't help but flow at the sight of my babes. :) Such a joy they were.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Crazy 8's

I've been tagged by my good friend Emily, none of my answers are in any particular order....

8 T.V. shows I love to watch:
1. The Office
2. What Not to Wear
3. Law & Order
4. Jon and Kate Plus 8
5. Wedding Story
6. Baby Story
7. Saturday Night Live
8. L.A. Ink

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. worked
2. voted
3. got the oil in my car changed
4. spent quality time with my sister, Diana
5. Watched the election coverage
6. let Warren give me an amazing massage
7. dropped materials off @ a client's house
8. prayed

8 favorite places to eat:
1. Panera
2. In-N-Out
3. Chevy's
4. Masagi's
5. Peters's house
6. Olive Garden
7. Wildflower Cafe
8. Valhallas

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Thanksgiving & Christmas
2. the ending of the fall semester
3. completing my promotional checklist @ work
4. trip to Penn. & NY @ the end of Dec.w/Warren
5. Heidi & Phillip's wedding on Sat, Nov. 8th!
6. lightening & thunderstorms (after the wedding...please ;)
7. spending time with family over the holidays
8. seeing God work through a frustrating election...because He's God and that's all there is to it. :)

8 things on my wish list:
1. going back to SA
2. a new car
3. a clean room
4. acceptance to the SLP MA prog.
5. less of a gut
6. health insurance
7. going to Fiji
8. going to the Dom. Rep.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Living with the Peters

Living with the Peters...
The Peters are the family that I am living with currently. They are friends that I became connected with through two friends, Melina & Sonnet and the Saviours Small Group I attended with them. In August, they purchased a house with an extra room and had always said that they would love for me to come and live with them. Initially, I didn't take it that seriously until escrow closed and I was looking for someplace to relocate to. They are: Dan, Candee, Alison (9), Josh (7), Jessica (4) & Katie (2).

The following pictures are a few of my favorites...
*Lots of storybook times (primarily at the request of little Katie when she brings out every Dr. Seuss book ever written :)
*Movies and in-house guests (Warren is a frequent visitor :)When Warren walks in the door, little Katie asks, "Where's big Katie?" When I walk in the door, little Katie asks, "Where's Warren?"
*Cute kids, silly times, good food = a great place to live. :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Timing & Warren

Ahh, how the concept of God's timing so often stops us in our tracks. I've been blessed to know a man that God has brought into my life. Warren. Years ago, when he first showed interest, I wasn't interested. Timing. As we've spent the last week and a half with each other, we've talked about God's timing and for me, hindsight has been the most amazing gift here. There was a reason I wasn't interested in Warren 2 1/2 years ago. Had we gotten together then, it would have been a disaster. He wasn't who God needed him to be for me and I still had a few growth spurts (spiritually) to go through myself.

And now. WOW. A switch was flipped and I've seen Warren so much differently than I ever have before. I'm looking forward to walking along side Warren through this season of our lives. My life is a life truely blessed. Having Warren be a part of it is icing on the blessing. :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

vision statement

Hello to all who have decided to venture to this site... I want to share with you my vision statement. A little cliched, or corny sounding, yes, but working through this process has allowed me to really look ahead at where and what God is leading me into. Before I get too far into this, I want to briefly explain where the process of writing this vision statement comes from.

We've recently been working through curriculum entitled Life Compass. This curriculum that was developed within the C.R.M. organization, is used to help people in general regain a sense of what God is calling them to, or leading them toward. It has been a helpful tool, to open up doors of our past, seeing how our past has really defined a lot of our character and personality and how that plays into what God created each of us for, with specific purposes and giftings within the Kingdom. So, with that, I would like to share my vision statement with you all. Please keep in mind that vision statements grow and change over time and that what I have written now is what I feel and believe God is leading me toward. I would love to hear any comments, or thoughts you may have as you go through this...Thank you!

I believe:
~that God will use me because of who I am and not in spite of my flaws, to bring hope, truth & encouragement to the lives of the people I come in contact with.
I hope:
~that the life I live will be seen as incarnational as opposed to attractional
~that God will use me in ways I never dreamed possible
I desire:
~to use my gifts to serve in the Kingdom...baking, inviting, hosting, welcoming, mothering, listening, shepherding...
~to work amongst/with the know them, to love them, to serve them
I dream:
~of providing shelter, a safe place, a provider of necessities- body & soul
~of providing a place where people can come as they are to meet and know the love of Jesus
~that one day, my marriage & family life will be a living testimony of hope & encouragement to the lives of the people around me.
~of being called to the nations to be used by God in whatever capacity He sees fit...
I imagine:
~that God will call me to one day speak boldly of my faith and life experiences before others
~that writing a book (pertaining to my life's experiences, faith journey & what I've learned...meant to be a tool to empower & encourage others to risk & walk boldly in their faith) may be asked of me.
I understand:
~that I will face opposition
~that sacrifice will be required
~that I will be asked to entrust my every dream & desire into the hands of God
I commit:
~to surrendering my life's passions & pursuits unto God
~to applying what I've learned here to the paths before me that have not yet been walked on
~to seeing the good in the people that come across my path
I see:
~myself as an intercessor, a prophetic speaker, a discerner of spirits, & a listener...
~my home being a place of transformation & restoration of broken and hurting hearts
I know:
~this journey has no guarantees other than my Heavenly inheritance at the end of it all
~that while I will be tried and will struggle, that my perseverance will be a testimony of God's faithfulness in my life to those around me...and that I will be reminded of God's faithfulness through it all
I am/will be:
~a joy giver, a hope bringer, a risk taker, a truth speaker, a fighter, a restorer, a prayer, a counselor, a writer, a wife & a mother-both physically & spiritually, and a beautiful warrior bride of Christ :)